Backup and Restore
WideQuick Modular Framework comes with a backup & restore feature. This feature allows you to save the current value of variables to a backup. This backup can then be restored to read back the stored values and set the variables to these stored values. This can be used as a recipe handler or just a backup to control values should the PLC ever be corrupted.
Creating a backup
To create a backup start by launching the project. Then in the main menu navigate to "Inställningar" --> "Backup" --> "Skapa - backup". In the list on the left hand side, all variables in the project will be visible. Select the variables you want to backup by marking them and clicking on the arrow pointing right. Alternatively you can double click on the variables you wish to add. This will add the variable to the backup. It is also possible to select a parent node, such as the entire datastore. Any node that is selected will be moved to the list on the right and will be included in the backup.
Once all desired variables have been selected. Give the backup a name and a description using the two textboxes at the bottom of the page. Finally click on the "Skapa säkerhetskopiering" button. This will save the current value of all selected variables to the backup.
Remembering the backup selection
The backup view will automatically remember which variables were included in the previous backup. Making it easy to create several backups with the same variables
Restoring a backup
Once a backup has been created it can easily be restored to read back the saved variable values. From the main menu under "Inställningar" --> "Backup" --> "Återställ - backup". On the left hand side is a list with all created backups and their creation date. By selecting a backup two new lists will appear. One in the middle and one to the right. The list in the middle shows all variables that were included in the backup and their value. From this list it is possible to select which variables we want to restore. Or we can click on the "Lägg till alla variabler" button in the middle to add all variables from the backup to be restored. Once the desired variables have been selected they can be restored by pressing the "Återställ från säkerhetskopiering" button in the bottom right corner. This will write back the stored value on the selected variables.